Estonian National Male Choir

Estonian National Male Choir

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Concert Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
Estonian National Male Choir

Estonian National Male Choir

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Concert Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
80 - 580
Paper ticket

Event details

The Estonian National Male Choir (RAM) was founded in 1944 by the legendary composer and leader of the Estonian choral movement Gustav Ernesaks. First, the choir was named Estonian SSR State Philharmonic Male Choir, known as RAM (Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor), since 1953, State Academic Male Choir, and since 1989, Estonian National Male Choir, which is currently the largest full-time professional male choir in the world. The birth of the Estonian National Male Choir was basically the result of Ernesaks' work. He stayed connected with the choir until his death (1993) – in 1944–1975 he was the chief conductor and later acted as its artistic director. Since then, the choir has been conducted by several highly esteemed choral conductors, including Olev Oja (1964–1991), Kuno Areng (1966–1990), Ants Üleoja (1991–1997), Ants Soots (1994–2005, 2008–2011), Kaspars Putninš (2005–2008). Since the beginning of season 2011/2012, Mikk Üleoja is the chief conductor and artistic director.
Over its 60 years of existence, RAM has given more than 6000 concerts all over Estonia, in many cities of the former Soviet Union, as well as Western European countries, Israel, Canada and the United States. Among its notable tours, the choir has performed at The Baltic Sea Festival (Stockholm 2005), the Festival of Estonian Culture in Scotland (2005), the Sibelius Music Festival (Dortmund 2007), Bergen Music Festival (2008) and Swansea Festival (Wales 2008).
Estonian National Male Choir
Choir conductor and singer Mikk Üleoja comes from a family of musicians – his parents Ene and Ants Üleoja are well-known choir conductors, as well as his sister Elo Forsel.
Since 2011, Mikk Üleoja is an artistic director and principal conductor of the Estonian National Male Choir.
Mikk Üleoja has been awarded the Golden Medal of Armenian Ministry of Culture for supporting and popularization Armenian culture (2016) and the Annual Prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment for Music (2007).
Mikk Üleoja
Conductor: Mikk Üleoja
Violoncello: Theodor Sink
Estonian National Male Choir
“Vespergesang” for male choir and violoncello, Op. 121 (10’) Mendelssohn
1. Adspice Domine de sede
2. Asperi oculos tuos
3. Qui regis Israel
4. Asperi oculos tuos
5. Lux beata

Parts from “All-Night Vigil” for male choir, Op. 37 Rachmaninoff
1. Come, Let Us Worship(1’40)
2. Praise the Lord, O My Soul(Greek Chant), soloist Mart Kroon (3’30)
6. Rejoice, O Virgin (2’15)

“Arise, my love” for soloists and male choir (8) Henrik Ødegaard
Soloists: Aleksander Arder, Grigori Rutškin, Ott Indermitte

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern for male choir II D.538 Schubert
(Text: Johann W. von Goethe)
- Intemission -
“Crux fidelis” for male choir (7’30) Giovanni Bonato

“Bishop and the Pagan” for soloists and male choir
(10’) Veljo Tormis
(Text: The Sequence of St. Henry in Latin, traditional Finnish, adapted by Sakari Puurunen)

Soloists: Ka Bo Chan, Kuldar Schüts, Kaarel Telgmaa, Mikk Dede, Andrus Kirss

“Signum magnum” for violoncello and male choir (11’30) Giovanni Bonato


Date: Thursday, 22nd Mar @ 19:30

Program is subject to change.

Children under 1.2m are not allowed to enter the symphony hall.
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Estonian National Male Choir

Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall - Concert Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu Xuhui Shanghai
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
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