Carmen, a beautiful tragedy written by Prosper Mérimée, was initially staged as an opera adapted by composer Georges Bizet, then it becomes an unfailing artwork on the world stage. It is also one of the world’s most frequently performed and popular masterpieces.
Carmen’s love is natural, fiery and unrestrained. She is a bold and unfettered gypsy girl, and also a proud gypsy woman with half an angel and half a devil. Love grows envy and envy begets hate. The story, derived from Gypsies’ unbridled rebellious nature, can only be interpreted accurately by Flamenco, the quintessence of the Spanish culture.
Under the strong emotion and powerful rhythm, the dance-tinged with delicate pathos presents the essence of the story. Ballet Flamenco de Granada is one of the top performing groups of Flamenco and it has left a glorious performing record across the world. From the dance vocabulary, original vocal and accompaniment, and the storyline, the drama reveals fully Carmen’s snarling and mysterious character and her fierce inner conflict.
Performance: Ballet Flamenco de Granada
Director: Javier Martos
Stage Director: Eduardo González
Producer: Ballet Flamenco de Granada
Choreographist: Javier Latorre
Music Director: Jorge Sánchez
Clothing Designer: Ada Lorenzo
Lighting Designer: Diego Padín