The Best Songs From Adele & Ed Sheeran

The Best Songs From Adele & Ed Sheeran

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
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The Best Songs From Adele & Ed Sheeran

The Best Songs From Adele & Ed Sheeran

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
150 - 180

Event details

👉 Receive E-ticket via Email
👉 Gain Admission with E-ticket
👉 Age 18+
👉 Tickets DO NOT Guarantee Seating - Reservations can be made @ 13621688556 (working hours: 2pm-10pm Tue.-Sat.)
👉 No Cancellation

After almost one year off, we are proud to bring back this extremely popular and intimate Tribute concert…..”A night of music from Adele and Ed Sheeran”!!!
Who have the top selling studio albums of the 21st century? Adele and Ed Sheeran! Adele’s albums 21 and 25 and Ed Sheeran’s X and ÷ have dominated all charts this millennia.
The Pearl’s Ksenia and Dave Stone have teamed up to bring these two superstars’ huge hits to the stage. Here is a small preview of hits (but not to worry there are other surprises hits being performed too:
  • Rolling in the deep
  • Someone like you
  • Send my love
  • Hello
  • Skyfall
  • Set fire to the rain
  • more surprises hits...
Ed Sheeran
  • The A Team
  • Lego House
  • Give Me Love
  • Kiss Me
  • One
  • Sing
  • Thinking Out Loud
  • more surprises hits...


Reminder: No outside drinks and pets are allowed. The event is only for adults over 18 years old. Tickets include show content only. This campaign is limited edition. Tickets do not include seats, please contact the merchant to reserve a seat after purchasing the ticket to ensure your dining experience on the day.
Due to limited seats, some seats on site are subject to a table sharing system. The final interpretation right of venue seating belongs to Pearl Theatre.

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The Best Songs From Adele & Ed Sheeran

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
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This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
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