Expect The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected

Shanghai Himalayas Museum
3F Zendai Himalayas Center, 869 Yinghua Road Pudong Shanghai
7/27/2019 - 10/27/2019
This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
Expect The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected

7/27/2019 - 10/27/2019
Shanghai Himalayas Museum
3F Zendai Himalayas Center, 869 Yinghua Road Pudong Shanghai
80 - 328

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Salute the eternal cosmic nostalgia. A tribute to the starry sky above us.
This is a romantic love letter for our era and the spectacular cosmos, written by the language of science, technology, and art.
Art is an experience as spiritual transformation with its purpose to make people feel that 'aesthetic shock' and lead them into a sort of tremendous 'scared experience' beyond reality. Artworks as media for energy transportation, it offers the audience an interactional journey for the transformation of consciousness; then technology enriches the diversity of the transportation in that journey. It provides various possibilities of realization in order to create an immersive dream-like experience through sensory dimensions more vividly. Thus we would enter that doors of perception easily and encounter our inner universe somewhere.
With the rapid development of science and technology, people are lost in the midst of 'Ego-centric' mentality. Here, we focus on 'technology, art, and healing' and try to translate them into modern language as a new media art exhibition with the human touch, and to find a balanced 'Eco-centric' solution, to relocate ourselves among stars. Here is a romantic love letter for our era and the spectacular cosmos, written by the language of science、technology and art. Reuters, Uk, has reviewed it as 'The most expected Digital Art Exhibition in 2019.'
Art is an experience as spiritual transformation with its purpose to make people feel that 'aesthetic shock' and lead them into the sort of tremendous 'scared experience' beyond reality.
Artworks as media for energy transportation, it offers the audience an interactional journey for the transformation of consciousness; then technology enriches the diversity of the transportation in that journey. It provides various possibilities of realization in order to create an immersive dream-like experience through sensory dimensions more vividly. Thus we would enter that doors of perception easily and encounter our inner universe somewhere.

With the rapid development of science and technology, people are lost in the midst of 'Ego-centric' mentality. Here, we focus on 'technology, art, and healing' and try to translate them into modern language as a new media art exhibition with the human touch, and to find a balanced 'Eco-centric' solution, to relocate ourselves among stars.
1.Doors Of Perception
'To see with concentration, everything can be a door to the cosmic eternity. ' - James Joyce

We invite you to enter the door to another dimension. With the whisper of breath and the dance of lights, a mysterious tunnel will lead us to walk towards that doors of perception to where we will expand our consciousness, as the metaphor of Aldous Huxley’s book with the same title. At the end of the darkness, let’s start an unexpected journey. Tunnel and emotional hints assist the brain wave to shift into θ frequency which is so-called the “meditative” state, it activates our subconsciousness and allows us to dive into our inner self. Being a metaphor for our birth tunnel which connected us with the place of origin of our life where we were complete with ourselves. Starting from a perceptional origin point with a ritualistic sense, let us explore the inner universe from the external world.

2.Organic Neuron
'See a time when all the colors of all mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life, all the whole earth will become one circle again.' - Crazy Horse

Everything is connected as a whole organism. With the arrogance of 'human-centric', we’re gradually disconnected with the great nature and lose the connection with ourselves.
At the first stop of the journey, we arrive at a noctilucent jungle, the consciousness of human twisted with nature. It’s time to resonate with the ecosystem again and feel its breath and pulse. Plants are euro-electric units which spirally twist, climb and leap along the paths of consciousness, that gradually evolved into similar gene structures as human beings.
It seems to have existed at the beginning of human civilization symbols of “the tree of life”. Plants with their secret lives tell a story about a collective consciousness network as a system of neurons where we upload and download information and communicate with our ancestors. It links memory, emotion, and cognition in a non-linear way, breaking the boundary of past, present, and future. We try to inspire people to re-examine our location in the ecosystem under the global context of the rapid development of technology.
It’s a calling for the deeper thinking of our relations with others and with our environment, and a calling to be in awe with life and explore in a cognitive manner our consciousness.

'No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.' - John Donne

Nominated for the Lumen Prize (UK) at 2018. The artwork is composed of 1000 water-drop sensor lamps. When we delight one of the drops by the source of light, it spreads one by one like wavelet. Our lights meet each other and flow like an ocean of consciousness. Life is impermanently flowing. Everything is in a state of flow. We perceive the essence of life in the flow. The core of Chinese ancient cosmology 'Daoism' is about the wisdom of 'going with the flow'. From 'nothing' to 'everything' and back to 'nothing', it changes constantly and shapes the universe. The interactions in our lives are like the wavelet flowing, nobody is isolated and everything is connected as a whole. Every tiny action will deeply impact on each other, like the 'butterfly effect'. Like the poem from William James: We are islands in the sea, separated in the surface but connected in the deep. 'Wavelet' is the first art installation in the world that integrated sensor -lights system with a point- control system. The new version we present here is upgraded in core hardware, materials, shape and interactive form, especially in performance mode with customized music and setting. In a 4 minutes showcase, you will enjoy a majestic epic about the flow of life.
4.Lights From My Soul
'Light is not only the tool for enlightenment, but it is also the enlightenment by itself. ' James Turrell

We hunt the light in life, walking along the whole way through this endless life journey. We can’t explain a great number of things, scientists are able to tell us how does the aurora happen, but they can’t tell how stunning it is and how our hearts vibrate when it appears in the extreme cold of quiet nights. In that breathtaking moment, we totally forget about ourselves. It is like the soul of this planet dancing in the sky. The solitude at the end of the world is where the lights shine through and they blossom into everything else you do, the whole universe is joined in your cosmic dance. We create a digital aurora here with fog projection for you. It is a symbol of fortune and faith. The wave light resonates with the image, when we touch them by hands, the lights will flow to our bodies. Touching and hugging each other will trigger the dazzling auroral explosion. Yes, with physical contact, with warmth human touch, we will delight the gleaming brightness. We stand here at the end of the world calling for love. And love, it is the light.
5.Star Dust
'We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.' - Rumi

In the boundless universe, everyone and every lonely planet, we all are 'plankton'.The stardust on the holographic projection will echo with our energy passing by and tracking the fleeting flow. The NASA scientist Michelle Thaller said “ What is human existence? It turns out it’s pretty simple: We are dead stars, looking back up at the sky. English poet William Wordsworth said, 'Our birth is but asleep and a forgetting:The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star'. The end of the cosmos is our hometown. We, humans, are the ashes of the stars. And all we talk about, just stories of tiny dust.

6.Deep Space
'Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.'
- Immanuel Kant

Here is a splendid starry sky for whom stuck in the gutter. Salute our eternal homesick to the cosmos. Probably, our inexplicable yearning for the starry sky is an instinctive homesick. It’s unspeakable, but truly there in our subconscious. As a negligible species, we humans have so many complex emotions such as fears to the vastness, the awe to the greatness and the courage to explore the unknown. We used to look up at the stars and locate ourselves in the universe. We are bound by gravity on this lonely planet, but we never give up trying to find our way home. We know that there are countless gentle stars above our heads, traveling through billions of light-years, encouraging us with strength. I will embrace all the stars, with bright and crystal eyes. No matter how seasons changing, sun and moon shifting, I will always be here and now, staring at the eternity.
Under the vast starry sky, let’s dance.

7.The Flow of Metabolism
'That's how we live, always say goodbye.' - Rainer Maria Rilke

The metabolism of the city, the instant changes of the landscapes in our memories. Everything has its own life. It is not the superficial meaning of 'organism' as we understand. In fact, 'be alive' means flow. Everything is changing constantly, we perceive the life cycle by its speed of 'metabolism'. The sum of these lives is the ecological environment which surrounds us.
Modern civilization is based on the urban environment, so the scenery we are familiar with, which is no longer rivers and mountains, but high buildings. The metabolic speed of the scenery that surrounds us is so fast that people doubt the authenticity of the memory. A process of deconstruction to reconstruction will be presented by the art of coding. Lines and particles shape urban buildings. In the infinity of extending space, the city is reconstructed, deconstructed and iterated with its life flow as a rhythmic poem. As Rilke put it in his poem, 'We just pass through everything, like the wind.' They keep silence as a tacit understanding with our pace.

8. Cerca Trova 

'Perhaps we can take time to gaze at a flower slowly blooming, trying to understand the power of compassion, of gentleness, of tolerance, the power of beauty.' - Jiang Xun

Zen style new media art installation. The immersive experience of 'oneness'. By ancient Chinese style of lacquer painting as the clue, we try to tell an audiovisual story about the different states of understanding of the Buddhism wisdom. Let’s silent our mind, stop judging and analyzing, just feel the authenticity and simplicity of everything as the way it is. Everything has its own rhythm. In finding the breath of life in calmness, we can feel its own rhythm, then follow the flow, all the answers will come naturally at the right moment. We invite you to enjoy meditating with the traditional Chinese vibe with a sense of ritual as the setting. Wish you will perceive the energy field by observing the flowing imagines and let them awaken your inner perception and sensitivity for life. Let us follow the clue of the physical memory and find the answers in the observation of nature. To feel, to experience, that's why we are alive.

9. Less Ego Is More
'The greatest adventure in life is the exploration of the inner Universe.' - Carl Jung

By hardcore technology, we present an immersive audiovisual feast, it breaks the cognitive model of time and space in our daily experience. As a wormhole effect, that will take you off the three-dimensional reality and experience the vastness of multiple universes. You could meet countless forms of your own self, or get lost in the mirage.  Less ego is more, when we drop off our egos and give up the obsession of your identity, there is a chance to broaden your horizon. Let’s keep space for the real 'self' and enter the inner world to explore the vastness. Just as Marcel Duchamp said in his speech 1957: 'From the labyrinth beyond time and space, seeks his way out to a clearing'.

10. Psychedelic Temple
'The whole universe and we are a tightly combined unity.' Alex Grey
Beauty is sublime and the most authentic way of existence in the universe. It is expressed in mathematical symmetry, in the accuracy of physics, seen in the magical details of everything, in the dignity of every life form. Art is functional in spiritual transformation by the sacred experience as 'shock of beauty'. The Mandala, Tibetan Tangka painting, the flower of life and the sacred geometry….all ancient civilizations explained the universe by math fractals. Mathematics is the language of the source. We try to offer the audience an immersive visual experience to feel the beauty of mathematics by dome mapping through audiovisual synesthesia. The purpose is to break the cognitive model which our brains depending on, to naturally help us to step on the meditative state which relaxes our body and mind.
This is an art therapy based on neuroscience. We invite you to lay down in a comfortable position and enjoy the calm atmosphere and leave everything behind. Just stare at the mandala flow and trip on the parallel universe.
11.Eternity In Your Eyes
'Eternity is the sun mixed with the sea.' - Arthur Rimbaud

The word 'Perception' means 'interpretation of sensory information'. 80% of the external messages we receive every day come from vision, which means our cognitive system depends on the information captured by our eyes. Have you ever wondered, what the world would look like through the eyes of others? We trained computers to 'see' the world, then to take the perspective as an observer. This piece simulates the process by artificial intelligence; whatever you draw on the sand, all visual elements collected will be transformed into information; then processed by the certain algorithm, to eventually become a scene like sunrise or sunset at the seaside. We try to inspire people, especially children for infinite sensorial imagination. Transforming any abstract drawing into a visually aesthetic experience, establish a link with the beauty of nature and trigger in-depth thinking of the balance between 'artificial' and 'nature'.

12.Planet B612
'The reason for the shining of the stars is that everyone can find his own star.' - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Kids’ shining eyes are the doorway to heaven. They live in the joy of spontaneity with an active and the most opened creativity. They are able to keep innocence and authenticity. They haven’t been programmed. Every child is a spiritual artist and a genius in nature way. They’re able to stay with their unpolluted sensitivity and keep the pure connection with their heart.
This piece is an interactive installation that pays tribute to the classic book “Little Prince”, a tribute to our immortal innocence. 'Only kids know what we’re looking for,' The little prince said so. Yes, because they could hear their hearts beat more clearly than adults.

13.Sacred Land Of The Galaxy
'The universal language that everyone could understand is about love and passion.' - Paulo Coelho

The greatest works always come from a child-like heart. 'Fun' and 'Passion' are the best teachers and lead us to walk further. Thus, to experience and to have fun are more important than technical training. Passion will guide them to discover the beauty in everything, love will active their creativity. Here, the whole floor becomes a huge canvas, kids will take the big 'painting brush' to create their own artworks. All the patterns and textures will be transformed into dynamic graphics floating around. While playing, children’s ability to imagine and creativity will be naturally activated together with physical coordination exercises. Here is a free space for kids, the sacred land of innocence. Nothing is limited and nothing is defined.

14. Never Alone, Never End
At the end of our exhibition, we invite you to take the umbrella around the corner, to meditate with the unpredictable weather of the universe. In a relatively isolated space, enjoy yourself alone with quietness. As our ancestors looked upon at the stars, let’s start at the 'raindrops' and mottled lights with such a unique perspective. They are constantly changing along your path, just like the unexpected landscapes through your journey. Rain falls down, washing away the dust over the city and makes the sky clear and clean and brightens the stars at night. Hopefully, this journey could wash away the dust covering our hearts smoothly and make our inner eyes be able to see everything more clear. Stars swirl and wink, people come and go, but no matter what, the galaxy always hanging over there, steadfast as thou art.
The architects of this incredible journey are a bunch of post-90s unique geeks. GeeksArt, as a new team with only 3 years history, were already highly recommended by many famous media aboard, such as 'News of the world', 'Digital Journal', and Reuters commented our artworks as 'A magical dream of science and art'.
GeeksArt assembles various international talents as artists, programmers, engineers, curators, inventors, and other creative people; devoting to research, design and create new media artworks. We focus on creating an immersive dream-like wonderland through art and technology. We intend to offer the audience various sensory experience to explore human consciousness.
GeeksArt believes in the power of science and technology, also the warmth of the human’s souls.


Dates: Jul. 27 - Oct. 27

Opening Hours:
  • Mon - Fri 10:00 - 18:00 (Last Admission 17:00)
  • Sat - Sun 10:00 - 21:00 (Last Admission 20:00)
Address: Shanghai Himalayas Museum, 3F Zendai Himalayas Center, 869 Yinghua Road, Pudong, Shanghai


Weekday Adult Ticket ¥108

Monday - Friday (Not available during the weekend and holidays)

Open Adult Ticket ¥128

Valid Weekday, Weekend, Holiday

Weekday Family Ticket ¥298

  • Monday - Friday (Not available during the weekend and holidays)
  • 2 adults + 1 child (Child ticket height <1.2m)

Open Family Ticket ¥328

  • Valid Weekday, Weekend, Holiday
  • 2 adults + 1 child (Child ticket height <1.2m)

Student/Child/Senior Ticket ¥80

  • Valid Any Day
  • Child Ticket (children under 120cm) / Senior Ticket (60 years old +)
  • Present your valid ID at the Entrance (Senior Ticket)
  • Present your valid student ID at the Entrance (Student Ticket)

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Expect The Unexpected

Shanghai Himalayas Museum
3F Zendai Himalayas Center, 869 Yinghua Road Pudong Shanghai
7/27/2019 - 10/27/2019
This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
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