Family Show: KIBUBU by Marie de Jongh

Family Show: KIBUBU by Marie de Jongh

Huangpu Theatre
780 Beijing Dong Lu Huangpu Shanghai
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Family Show: KIBUBU by Marie de Jongh

Family Show: KIBUBU by Marie de Jongh

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Huangpu Theatre
780 Beijing Dong Lu Huangpu Shanghai
999999.99 - -0.01
Paper ticket

Event details

“Marie de Jongh's shows have three features they always use in their plays: they create a gestural theatre without text. Starting from this feature, we can say that wishing to get a better communication with the public, they always use in their shows gesture routines, where movement, facial expression…, nothing is abandoned to improvisation, not even the tiniest detail. They go straight into spectator's heart, to their emotions. A universal language that everybody knows and that people of all ages and from everywhere can understand and be touched with.”
- Josep Maria Viaplana
“In every new show they've been able to touch me and in every step they make my admiration for their extraordinary work has grown. I love the way they manage to communicate emotion with all its power without words, always dealing with important themes and with a naturalistic interpretation barely stressed by the gesture.”
- Ferran Baile
Xebas and Cocó are a clown duet with more enthusiasm than success. For their new show, Xebas decides to introduce an element which will make the performance shine: a real gorilla. He is convinced that if he takes the animal and shows him different games, their luck will change and they'll get the public's applause. Nevertheless, it won't be the gorilla who will learn from this experience; Xebas and Cocó will learn a lesson they'll never forget.
TOURNESOL 2015 award. Avignon Off
FETEN 2014 Best Make up design award
FETEN 2014 Best Actor award Javi Renobales
Recommended show by Red Española de Teatros
Writer & Director: Jokin Oregi
Actors: Joseba Uribarri, Ana Meabe, Javier Renobales
Costume design: Azegiñe Urigoitia
Photography: Guillermo Casas
Tour technician: Javier García Kandela
Production: Marie de Jongh / TARTEAN Teatroa


Date: Wednesday, 3rd Oct @ 19:15
Recommended Age: 3+
Duration: 90 mins
Language: None

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Family Show: KIBUBU by Marie de Jongh

Huangpu Theatre
780 Beijing Dong Lu Huangpu Shanghai
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This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
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