Fills Monkey "We Will Drum You" - Shanghai

Fills Monkey "We Will Drum You" - Shanghai

Bandai Namco Shanghai Base Future House
179 Yichang Road Putuo Shanghai
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Fills Monkey "We Will Drum You" - Shanghai

Fills Monkey "We Will Drum You" - Shanghai

Bandai Namco Shanghai Base Future House
179 Yichang Road Putuo Shanghai
180 - 380

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Yann Coste and Sébastien Rambaud first met in 2005, at a cymbal supplier’s demo. They hit it off and sought to work as a team.
As true professional drummers, they weren’t frightened by technique, yet they both had the desire to go beyond simple drum demonstrations and to take on a more whimsical approach to such exercises, which they judged to be often too serious.
That was the starting point that led them over time and occasions to create real performances that present their two personalities. They were soon to go beyond the “showy” aspect to make more and more room for humor!They made a name for themselves as their videos created a buzz on the Internet. They were thenapproached by Flèche Productions, which offered them to work with the stage director Gil GalliotThanks to his experience in theater, one-man shows, opera and improvisation, he gave their showstructure and provided proper direction for them as actors...

From fall 2011, they performed at the Sentier des Halles in Paris. Through word of mouth andInternet, audiences passed on their discovery of their unique performance: THE INCREDIBLEDRUM SHOW WAS BORN! On February 2012, a performance for the press was held to announcean extended run: the media loved it! This adventure ended on June 25, 2013 as the longest-running show ever in that theater, Six months later, they ended 2013 plaving sold-out performancesat the Trianon.
In July 2012 they were in Montreal for Zoofest (part of the Just for Laughs comedy festival). Within aweek they become the revelation of the festival! In 2012/2013 they made their first appearances inBelgium, performing in Brussels, Liège and Charleroi. In 2013 they had their first steps inSwitzerland at the Montreux and Morges festivals.

By the end of June 2013, they had already performed on more than 150 dates. Feedback wasexcellent and demand increased. in July 2013, they participated in the Avignon Festival. in coveringthe event, the daily newspaper Aujourd'hui en France finished an article stating, “Among the Offevents, if there's one show to see, it's that one."


Date: Friday, 11th Apr. @ 20:00
  • ¥180 Early Bird 
  • ¥280 Full Price 
  • ¥380 VIP 

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Fills Monkey "We Will Drum You" - Shanghai

Bandai Namco Shanghai Base Future House
179 Yichang Road Putuo Shanghai
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