The story of Alice and her unbelievable adventures is well-known thanks to the fairy tale written by talented Lewis Carroll. ICE VISION presents “Alice in Wonderland on Ice” – a new story of a young girl: personages performing charismatic dances on Ice, funny dialogues, colorful costumes and music written specially for the ice show by Alexei Galinsky. The performance reminds us that it is worth dreaming and believing in ourselves at any age.
Spectators will be charmed by the craziness of the Hatter and the magic of the Cheshire Cat appearing in the most unexpected moments.
ICE VISION Production Center was founded in 2006 by the team who initiated the creation of the Federation of figure skating in Saint Petersburg.
ICE VISION is one of the first Russian companies who created and launched a unique format of shows on Ice which combine figure skating and theatrical elements. Since its foundation 10 years ago, the company has successfully realized dozens of large scale shows and organized more than 500 performances in over 60 cities in Russia, Europe and Asia with more than 2 000 000 spectators.