Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Tribute Concert

Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Tribute Concert

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
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Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Tribute Concert

Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Tribute Concert

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
100 - 120

Event details

👉 Receive E-ticket via Email
👉 Gain Admission with E-ticket
👉 Age 18+
👉 Tickets DO NOT Guarantee Seating - Reservations can be made @ 13621688556 (working hours: 2pm-10pm Tue.-Sat.)
👉 No Cancellation

Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Concert
Ladies have always been famous for their ability to rock and the Pearl has a concert for you. 
The focus for the evening will be on the music of Avril Lavigne. A punk legend since the age of 16 when she released hits “Complicated” and “Sk8er Boy”. Huge in China, she went on to a successful career as the Pop Punk Queen.
Not to be outdone, the Pearl’s Red Stars band will add some other huge names in the pantheon of female greatness with music by Evanescence, Pink, Alanis Morissette, Janis Joplin, Tina Turner and Joan Jett. This is a night dedicated to all genres of rock and vocal styles of those women who have revolutionized this powerful form.


  • ¥100 Presale
  • ¥120 Door Price
Reminder: No outside drinks and pets are allowed. The event is only for adults over 18 years old. Tickets include show content only. This campaign is limited edition. Tickets do not include seats, please contact the merchant to reserve a seat after purchasing the ticket to ensure your dining experience on the day.
Due to limited seats, some seats on site are subject to a table sharing system. The final interpretation right of venue seating belongs to Pearl Theatre.

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Avril Lavigne & Ladies of Rock Tribute Concert

The Pearl
471 Zhapu Road, near Wujin Road Hongkou Shanghai
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This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
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