Local X Laowai Showcase

Local X Laowai Showcase

Yuyintang (Kaixuan Rd)
851 Kaixuan Road, near West Yan'an Road Changning Shanghai
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Local X Laowai Showcase

Local X Laowai Showcase

Yuyintang (Kaixuan Rd)
851 Kaixuan Road, near West Yan'an Road Changning Shanghai
60 - 80

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- Age 18+
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Music is the universal language of mankind
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This December, take a night off from Christmas music as 4 of Shanghai’s best bands share the stage! Representing the local element of the Shanghai scene are 唐趣乐队 / Tang Trio (blues rock) and 周末搞事情 / Weekend Project (folk / indie); representing the laowai side are DaHaHa / 打哈哈 (indie / post rock) and The Flood / 洪 (country / rock).
Where words fail, music begins, or so the saying goes. So against a backdrop of language barriers, rainy skies, and ayi dancing, get together with the rest of the community for a night of good old-fashioned international music. Take it to the bridge!
DaHaHa may be a laugh but the band is far from a joke. Still only in its second year, DaHaHa has spread the grin all around Shanghai - both YuYinTang venues, MAO Live House, Harleys, Beer Festivals, amongst many others - Beijing, Wuhan, and Zhujiajiao. In that time they've gone from fresh-faced young pretenders to a multi-album releasing, community-driven movement.

Be it their diverse original setlists or paying tribute to David Bowie, they live by a simple ethos: take what you do seriously, but don't take yourself seriously. Matt, Max, Kiko, James, and Reid slide from post-rock workouts through sundrenched ballads to indie grooves and back again - and all with that trademark cheeky grin. Why? Because that's the way DaHaHa you like it!
唐趣乐队 / Tang Trio
Founded in Shanghai in 2012 by Tang Ming, Tang Trio blend R&B., Funk, Neo-Soul, and Trip, life is the inspiration for music creation. Veterans of the Chinese festival circuit, they’ve also picked up an award for Outstanding Performance at the world famous SXSW.
With the addition of new members in 2019, Tang Ming has added new musical elements to the oeuvre. This year has seen them develop their creativity as they break new musical ground, all the while refining their best loved hits. It’s a new flavor, but it’s still Tang-tastic.
The Flood
The roots of The Flood extend back decades from Scottish porridge oat winters, all the way back to the blood-red, apocalyptic, Bible-sick dawn of the American nightmare.
The family of Floods, led by brother Paul and joined by brothers Dan, Larry, cousin Chris and long lost but reunited uncle Jaret hailing from USA, bring white-knuckle, good-rockin’ country music to the unsuspecting Chinese masses. Blending classic tropes of chicken picken, bluegrass, chase music, murder ballads, hoedowns, close harmony singing and a penchant for unhinged attitude to performance, their favoured themes include booze, women and the apocalypse.
周末搞事情 / Weekend Project
Weekend Project is the brainchild of indie musician meets folk singer John Bin. Having long blurred the lines between art and academia, then work and play, John created Weekend Project with friends from all walks of life. Leaving the work week behind, they come together at weekends to let their spirits soar through their music.

Since their debut in 2017, Weekend Project has graced every stage in Shanghai and countless festivals around the country. Their combination of western Indie with Chinese folk elements is truly unique - the best reason to look forward to the weekend!
Lead Vocals / Guitar / Harmonic: John Bin
Drums / Backing Vocals:Biao Mei
Cello:Mr. Wang


Date: Friday, December 13 @ 20:30
Price: ¥60 Presale / ¥80 Door Price
Age: 18+

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Local X Laowai Showcase

Yuyintang (Kaixuan Rd)
851 Kaixuan Road, near West Yan'an Road Changning Shanghai
This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
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