Fu Zhong Yi Lu (福中一路与金田路交叉口西北侧) Futian Shenzhen Guangdong
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
MimiRichi: Paper World
Children's Palace Theatre
Fu Zhong Yi Lu (福中一路与金田路交叉口西北侧) Futian Shenzhen Guangdong
¥100 - ¥500
Paper ticket
Event details
"It is amazing how quickly mature grown-ups revert to childhood given the chance to throw paper around and make a huge mess."
-The Guardian
A white sheet of paper is always considered a symbol of endless creative abilities, which gives an incredible freedom to the imagination. Many works of art begin with a clean sheet of paper.
Mimirichi theatre proves that a sheet of paper conceals no fewer opportunities for the theatre. In their production Paper World, it is transformed into a great source of acting and improvisation.
That simply delights in being able to create their paradoxical images almost out of nothing...
Performance: Mimirichi Theatre
Having in their repertoire some solo programs and going on tour with them, the MimiRichi possesses a wide experience in a combination of concerts with other genres performers. The MimiRichi name means a rich mimicry and plastic, they help actors not only to attract attention but also to be various in their shows in any country of the world, irrespective of an age category. The MimiRichi theatre of a plastic comedy has already obtained world recognition, touring and continuing to give concerts in the Europe, South America, Japan, Germany and other countries.
Date: Saturday, 14th Apr @ 10:30 or 15:00 or 19:00
Recommended age: 4+ years old
Duration: 90 mins
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MimiRichi: Paper World
Children's Palace Theatre
Fu Zhong Yi Lu (福中一路与金田路交叉口西北侧) Futian Shenzhen Guangdong