In many provincial theaters of Russia there are stars that are not known to the public of the capitals of Russia and abroad. And finally, we have recognized all over the world stars that shine in theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The real History of Russian National Star Ballet Theatre had started from the end of XX-th Century with development of Siberian State Ballet, then it’s continues with many local provincial Cities of Russia. Therefore, as of now, Russian National Star Ballet Theatre has a very tight personal connections with many theatres as: Siberian Ballet from Krasnoyarsk City (conducted by its Artistic Director Mr. Sergey Bobrov), Nizhniy Novgorod Opera and Ballet (Mr. Valery Miklin), Saratov Opera and Ballet (Cond. By Mr. Kirill Simonov), Moscow Musical Theatre named after N. Sats (Chief Mr. Vladimir Kirillov), Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre (Director Mr. Vladimir Dosaev, chief choreographer Yury Klevtsov), Cheboksary Opera and Ballet Theatre (Art Director Ms. Olga Nesterova) and many others.
Officially, the company had been reformed in may 6th of 2011. As of now, beside of its creations with many Russian provincial theatres, we have in our repertory three full lent most famous Russian ballet productions: Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker. We are planning to restage composer’s Rimsky - Korsakov and Garanian ballet “Sinbad”, and The Snow - maden Girl, by P. Thaikovsky.
At the moment “Russian National Star Ballet Theatre” is fastest growing ballet company in Russia.