Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

Zhongke Innovation Plaza
907, Block A, Building 2, Zhongke Innovation Plaza, Huaqiao Town, Kunshan, Suzhou Kunshan Suzhou Jiangsu
3/2/2022 - 6/30/2022

This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

3/2/2022 - 6/30/2022
Zhongke Innovation Plaza
907, Block A, Building 2, Zhongke Innovation Plaza, Huaqiao Town, Kunshan, Suzhou Kunshan Suzhou Jiangsu
228 - 399

Event details

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Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

Program Introduction

Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art (one of three)

This package offers one of three 90-minutes sand-painting activities. Each ticket is valid for one of the programs below.

Sand-painting by Yuyi Art- Animated Sand Painting DIY

Sand-painting by Yuyi Art- Sand Bottle Painting DIY

Sand-painting by Yuyi Art- Sand Plate Painting DIY

Sand-painting by Yuyi Art- Customized Team Building Activities

Each activity is about 90 minutes in length and guests are welcomed to keep their art works.

The quotation covers the whole package, including tools and coaching. There are no additional charges during the program.

Professional tutors will be present to offer guidance during the whole DIY process so you can relax and enjoy your art creation...even for new hands!

Yuyi also offers customized services at home, please call us for details :)

To see a world in a grain of sand

and a heaven in a wild flower

Sand painting, or painting with sand, is an art of style, and a highly creative "Art of Regrets in Moments".

Sand Painting Is Good For:

Creativity: Instantaneous image changes, immersive cultivation of creative thinking;

Concentration: High level of concentration while playing and learning as well as training both hands; 

Leadership: Sand-table exercise and emotional management;

Resilience: Mistakes can be corrected immediately;

Self-confidence: Disposition could be improved through art performance;

Aesthetic power: Foundation of aesthetic education.

After continuous exploration and innovation, we have successfully combined sand painting (which cannot be preserved freely), with Chinese ink painting, and oil paintings as well as watercolors from overseas. Through this special process, we are able to produce ink-sand paintings and oil-sand paintings that can be preserved and displayed. The combination of Chinese and western art makes Shanghai-style Sand Painting.

Activity: Sand Painting DIY Team Building

Time: From April 8, 2021 on

Venue: Tongfu Building, No. 803 West Nanjing Road

Language: Chinese/English

Teacher: Vicky/Joan/Yaru/Thea

Independent sand painting artists

Specialize in making a bowl of “visual porridge” for the guests with plain sand.

About sand painting:

In China, sand painting is an ancient and traditional form of artistic expression with a long history. It can be traced back to the earliest days before the emergence of human language, when sand was used to paint a special pictorial symbol for the need of communication and notation. From its historical origin, this kind of pictorial symbols developed in two directions: one is written language which has shaped our current language and writing system; the other is painting art, which has taken a variety of forms nowadays.

In the book of <Later Han - Story of Ma Yuan>, it is recorded that in 32 A.D. when Emperor Guangwu conquered Longxi, he used sand to make a model, which is the earliest sand map in ancient China.

There are allusions about "sand calligraphy" in Song Dynasty. In <Story of Yue Fei>, Yue used a basin, fine sand and a few branches and practiced his writing. In the story of "Dee Teaches Her Son with Painting", Ouyang Xiu's mother used reed stalks as pen and sand as paper to teach him how to write, helping him achieve a master in literature.

These stories show that sand models were already been made in wartime since the time of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, and that the use of sand for creation is as far back as the Song Dynasty.

Sand painting can be very creative and is an instant transformation, which is conducive to the cultivation of divergent thinking. Through performance or exhibition of sand painting, an introverted personality can be improved and self-confidence can be cultivated. Playing with sand is part of human nature; learning while playing can help with concentration and improve hand coordination skills, helping to develop left and right brains at the same time. It is also good for emotional management as we have found during regular sand painting courses, sand painting has a certain healing effect for children with Down syndrome.

Animated Sand Painting

Sand Bottle Painting

Sand Plate Painting



Date: From April 8, 2021 on


¥228 per person

¥399 for 2 people

¥399 family ticket (1 adult +1 child)

Language: Chinese/English

Teacher: Vicky/Joan/Yaru/Thea

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Team Building with Sand Painting DIY by Yuyi Art

Zhongke Innovation Plaza
907, Block A, Building 2, Zhongke Innovation Plaza, Huaqiao Town, Kunshan, Suzhou Kunshan Suzhou Jiangsu
3/2/2022 - 6/30/2022

This ticket is only available as an e-ticket
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