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Before Galileo turned his telescope toward the sky, people thought of the moon as a giant mirror whose summits and valleys reflected earth's seas and mountains. When the Soviets sent a probe around the moon and captured never-seen-before images, people were stunned to see its surface extensively pockmarked by celestial debris. American scientists talked at great length about the disfigured face of the moon—no doubt because the characteristics of its hidden side were named after Russian cosmonauts, inventors and poets.
The Far Side of the Moon concentrates on the stormy relationship of two brothers with conflicting ambitions and their unlikely reconciliation following their mother's death. The story is set against the backdrop of the 1960s Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States, where the losers might not be the ones we would think.
The line between the insignificant and the sublime is sometimes thin. Through visual poetry, the main character, Philippe, moves from the banality of everyday life to the majesty of space, escaping the gravity of earth to reach for the lightness of the starry void.
About the Direcotor:
The multidisciplinary artist, Robert Lepage is all at once an actor, a director, a playwright, and a stage director. Hailed by international critics, his original, contemporary, and unique works (inspired by recent history) transcend borders and challenge the standards of scenic writing, particularly through the use of new technologies. The year 1994 marked an important step in his career: he founded Ex Machina, a multidisciplinary creation company of which he is the artistic director. His most significant works include the plays The Seven Streams of the River Ota and The Dragons’ Trilogy; his solos The Far Side of the Moon and 887; the operas The Damnation of Faust and Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle; his multimedia works The Image Mill and The Library at Night; Peter Gabriel's shows, The Secret World Tour and The Growing Up Tour; and with Cirque du Soleil, KÀ and TOTEM.
About the Production Company
Led by artistic director Robert Lepage, Ex Machina creates, produces and disseminates multidisciplinary artistic works, most often theatrical. The company brings together creators from several fields of activity and offers a broad range of artistic productions: original plays written and performed solo or collectively, plays based on existing texts, productions in which various disciplines (dance, music, museology) mingle with theater, operas and multimedia productions featuring a predominantly technological dimension. Beyond their diversity, the company's projects have some features in common. Anecdotes lead to the exploration of ideas such as the revelation of identity through exposure to the other. Cultural intersections, the nature of the creative act, interrupted communication and states of dependence are recurring themes. Several dramatic situations oppose the quotidian to the extraordinary, the naturalism to the metaphor, and somehow diffident characters to historical figures. The multilingualism, the massive use of images, the reversal of perspective, the variations in scale, the use of narrative codes borrowed from cinema and the use of technological tools aim to spark meaning and emotion, reflecting a desire to poeticize theatrical expression.
Written & directed by Robert Lepage
Performed by Olivier Normand
Script consultant Adam Nashman
Artistic collaborator and project originator Peder Bjurman
Assistant Director Pierre-Philippe Guay
Original music composed and recorded by Laurie Anderson © 2000 Difficult Music (BMI)
Assistant set designer Marie-Claude Pelletier
Assistant lighting designer Bernard White
Costume designer Marie-Chantale Vaillancourt
Puppet designers Pierre Robitaille & Sylvie Courbron
Puppeteer Éric Leblanc
Set Consultant Carl Fillion
Images produced by Jacques Collin & Véronique Couturier
Audio editing Jean-Sébastien Côté
19:30, 1st-3rd, May, 2025
14:00, 3rd-4th, May, 2025
120 Minutes
With No Intermission
Daning Theater
Chinese subtitles