Vienna Johann Strauss Capelle New Year’s Concert

Vienna Johann Strauss Capelle New Year’s Concert

Cadillac·Shanghai Concert Hall
523 East Yan'an Road Huangpu Shanghai
12/31/2018 - 1/1/2019
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
After you have joined the waiting list, you will be notified if tickets become available via SMS.
Vienna Johann Strauss Capelle New Year’s Concert

Vienna Johann Strauss Capelle New Year’s Concert

12/31/2018 - 1/1/2019
Cadillac·Shanghai Concert Hall
523 East Yan'an Road Huangpu Shanghai
480 - 980
Paper ticket

Event details

"All-star aggregations are not reserved solely for the sports world. The newly formed Wiener Strausscapelle, which comprises 22 musicians from Vienna’s finest orchestras plus soloists from the Vienna’s finest orchestras plus soloists from he Vienna Volksoper, is just such a group. But, unlike many all-star sporting events, where individual heroics replace teamwork, the Strausscapelle’s concert at the Kennedy Center last night was a model of polished ensemble playing.

The musicians’ mission is noble, for they have dedicated themselves to the Strauss Family and its musical heirs, adhering to the performance practices of the 19th century. In the wrong hands, these timeless waltzes and operettas can come off as frothy, lightweight confections. Conductor Heinz Lambrecht’s assertive, yet delicate handling of the instrumentalists instilled a sense of gravity without destroying any of the music’s inherent charm."
-The Washington Post
Strauss Capelle Vienna
The Strauss Capelle Vienna is an orchestra looking back on almost 200 years of history. The tradition of its founder, Johann Strauss the Elder, performing throughout the entire world is continued by the current orchestra. It consists of professional Viennese musicians, who put their heart and soul into the music.
The original Strauss Capelle Vienna promises to surprise and move you. We take our audiences on a journey beyond the music itself. Involving people from all ages and backgrounds in life-enhancing music experience, the original Strauss Capelle Vienna creates an exciting and harmonious art. Every performance is a wonderful experience for the musicians as well as for the audience.
Especially renowned for their Gala Concerts and New Year’s programs, the orchestra annually performs tour of Russia and China, as well as in Croatia and the Balkan region.
Josef Strauss: “OhneSorgen“ (Carefree), Fast Polka Op. 271
02:00 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Nacht in Venedig” (Night in Venice), Overture
08:00 minutes
Carl Michael Zierer: „Hereinspaziert!“ (Come on in), Waltz Op. 518
08:00 minutes
Franz Lehar: “Meine Lippen,sie küssen so heiß” (My lipskiss so warmly)from “Guiditta”
05:00 minutes
Josef Strauss: “Jockey Polka“, Fast Polka Op. 271
02:10 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald” (Tales from Vienna woods), Waltz Op. 325
12:00 minutes
Franz Lehar:“Vilja-song” from “The merry widow”
04:20 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Leichtes Blut” (Light blood), Fast Polka Op. 319
02:26 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Tritsch – Tratsch” (Chit-chat) Fast Polka Op. 214
02:38 minutes
- Intermission - 
Johann Strauss: “Rosen aus dem Süden” (Roses from the south), Waltz Op. 388
09:00 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Tik-tak”, Fast Polka Op. 365 BALLET
02:30 minutes
Johann Strauss: “Fruehlingsstimmen” (Spring voices), Waltz Op. 410
Johann Strauss: “Ägyptischer Marsch” (Egyptianmarch), March Op. 335
05:00 minutes
Johann Strauss: „Vergnügungszug“ (Pleasure train), Polka Op. 281
03:00 minutes
Rudolf Sieczynski: „Wien, Wien nur du allein“ (Vienna, cityofmydreams)SOPRANO
03:00 minutes
Johann Strauss: “An der schönen blauen Donau” (On the beautifulblueDanube),WaltzOp.314
07:00 minutes
Johann Strauss Father: “Radetzky-Marsch”, March Op. 228
03:00 minutes
Traditional: “Yangtse River”


31st Dec (Mon) @ 19:30 or 22:30
1st Jan (Tue) @ 14:00
There is no age limit but Children under 1.2 meters are not allowed into the venue.
Please note that if ticket categories have sold out, extra seats may be added.

Extra seats' area: on the 1st floor in front of the 3rd row; on the 1st floor between rows 10 and 11(near row 10); on the 2nd floor between rows 5 and 6(near row 5).

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Vienna Johann Strauss Capelle New Year’s Concert

Cadillac·Shanghai Concert Hall
523 East Yan'an Road Huangpu Shanghai
12/31/2018 - 1/1/2019
This ticket is only available as a paper ticket
After you have joined the waiting list, you will be notified if tickets become available via SMS.
Add us on WeChat to speak to our friendly customer service team! ID: Tickets247Tickets